Framing For The Future

CECEAA Professional Learning Opportunity that’s going to set your centre up for the year!

Friday 14th May 2021
9am to 1pm

Facilitated by Karen Haywood – InterLEAD

Karen has extensive experience in working alongside centres within the early childhood sector to build both knowledge and capability to ensure positive outcomes for children. Her consultancy role within InterLEAD gives her opportunities to work nationally within the ECE sector. She has a passion for Christian education and has supported many Christian based centres to weave the special character of their centre into the current ECE landscape.


Setting the scene … read the article prior to the session … reflect, share and engage

Becoming a DDO

The ECE sector is continuing to manage challenges and change as we grapple with how best to focus on the things that matter most to ensure every child in Aotearoa New Zealand achieves success as a learner? 

  • Are all your kaiako and staff continually developing?
  • Is your centre in the pursuit of better teacher performance?
  • Do you use feedback to capture learning opportunities?

Come and explore how to become a DDO organisation where the everyday focus is on everyone growing and fuelling the centre towards innovation and improvement.

Seeking for Excellence

Delving into Te Ara Poutama and in particular weaving in the Biblical concepts of seeking and the vine.

Shaping Learning Priorities

Exploring the Vision and five objectives in the NELPS

Hui Outline

Registration Details

$50 members
$80 non-members

Includes a journal hui pack.

The login details for the zoom hui will be emailed to you.