Christian Early Childhood Education Association of Aotearoa Inc.


Our strategic plan provides the road map of CECEAA for the years ahead.

We are an interdenominational association grown out of a dream to be salt and light in Aotearoa and beyond. 

We endeavour to build networks of ECE educators and services to bring a Christian voice to the early childhood sector. 

We are a not-for-profit incorporated society with a volunteer national executive elected by the membership. We are funded by member ECE services and individual subscriptions. 

Our Vision

To advocate for and relationally support members towards excellence in Christian Early Childhood Education in the best interests of tamariki.

Our Mission

Connecting, building capacity and ensuring continuity in the best interests of tamariki, members, whānau and community from a Christian kaupapa. 


Connecting with members, developing local, national and international engagement

1. Consult with members re: aspirations, contributions and participation
2. Promote regional networks – connecting kaiako
3. Strengthen Managers Networks
4. Attend ECAC – Early Childhood Advisory Committee
5. Retain Membership with EEF – Attend Early Education Federation meetings
6. Be intentional and creative in ways of communicating with members & friends of CECEAA
7. Intentionally connect with ACECEA
8. Connect with Christian Māori networks
9. Connect with Pasifika networks


Promote excellence in teaching, management and governance

1. Encourage centres to participate in local Kahui Ako
2. Encourage and promote Te Ᾱo Māori and Te Tiriti o Waitangi
3. Intentionally offer Professional Learning Opportunities
4. Intentionally offer Professional Learning Opportunities for development, consolidation and embedding Christian kaupapa in our Centres/Services.
5. Showcase best practice from centres


Strengthening and equipping members and centres within CECEAA

1. Host conference / Hui / AGM
2. Grow individual membership
3. Encourage and promote Christian frameworks within our Centres/Services
4. Develop Māori networks
5. Develop Pasifika networks
6. Focus on issues relevant to Māori perspectives - continuity
7. Focus on issues relevant to Pasifika perspectives
8. Reframe CECEAA executive
9. Support centres in building healthy relationships with Governance.


Lisa Thomas


Lisa is the Manager and a Teacher at Hope Preschool in Mataura. She is passionate about ensuring biblical values and teachings are part of early childhood education on a local community and national level.  

Liza Iliffe


Liza is part of the Whanganui Central Baptist Kindergarten community. She loves the opportunity to network and be alongside CECEAA as we seek to encourage and support Christian Teachers and Centres.

Pearl Thorp

Exec Member

Pearl is the Manager at Olive Shoots Early Childhood Centre in Auckland. She also works alongside the kindy teachers at the Christian Leaders Training College in PNG. 


Exec Member

Raewyn is the founder and owner of PAUA Early Childhood Home Based ECE. She is passionate about education in the home and has been an advocate of the sector at a national level for more than a decade. 


Exec Member

Melanie is the manager and a teacher at Levin Baptist Kindergarten. She loves being able to share the love of Jesus with the tamariki and whānau in her local community.


Exec Member

 Clare is the Head Teacher at Bethlehem College Kindergarten. She ensures that the education is deeply rooted in Christian values, fostering an environment of faith, love, and compassion. 


The Bible is the inspired Word of God, authoritative and infallible in its original manuscript, the final guide for our beliefs and practices

There is only one God eternally existent in three person, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, being the same in nature, equal in power and glory, worthy of equal honour, obedience and worship.

Jesus Christ being both human and divine, is the mediator whom the Father sent to redeem and to reconcile the world to Himself.

People through unbelief and disobedience have fallen into sin and brought judgement upon themselves. They are therefore separated from God and from the source, meaning and purpose of life.

The substitutionary death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ are the only ground for forgiveness of sin and salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ alone. God’s purpose for our world will culminate with Christ’s certain return.

Men and women are created in the image of God and are given authority and responsibility to rule over creation for the praise and delight of their maker.

In God as absolute and sole creator of the universe and that creation was by divine order and not through evolutionary process.